MONDAY - 27.12

Everyone says that there is no playbook for product management, but yet all the top Silicon Valley companies are doing product in the same way. Why do all top companies work in squads? Why do all of the top PMs spend 80% of their time validating problems? Why do all top companies implement OKRs? Because it works, and it’s how you build trillion-dollar businesses. This presentation will give you insights into how they do it and how you could become an impact driven PM.

Building products based on customer data requires new skills.
It requires a different approach in discovery, data analysis, mockups, development, and launch.
We will learn together some of those new skills, how to put the focus on the customers' business needs, iterate with your customers using their own data, build your team with the right skillset and how to find the "must-haves" for your next product.

We all know how critical it is to engage with your customers and users. In my session we will speak about design partners and how to leverage them for improving your business results.
At the end of my session if you don't have such partners, you will probably want one, and if you are already paired with one, you may get some new ideas on how to better leverage your relationship

The customer success (CS) department is holding so many valuable inputs & information which can be a game changer for making an impact, the issue is they simply don't know they do.
When used correctly, CS inputs (support tickets, product demos, customer calls etc.) are an amazing source to generate user context & insights that will help crafting great products & make an impact.
In this talk, I want to share with you a variety of methods & processes to leverage CS inputs that we've implemented at and offer a few simple ways you can get started with implementing them as well.

Two years ago we made a decision in Salesforce to build an entirely new optimization engine for our Field Service solution. It took about 20 years to build the current engine which includes very rich functionality and solves many use cases. It was clear that reaching the same level of functionality will require a substantial investment of time and effort and so we found ourselves in a difficult conundrum - How do we swap a great and well-accepted engine with a new unfamiliar one, in minimum time and still provide added value to our customers?

Although many startups dream of being acquired, making the transition from a relatively small team to part of a colossal organization is not without its own challenges. With so many startups getting dissolved or shut down, how do we, as an acquired group, make a difference within an organization the size of a small country? In this session we’ll discuss how we, product and engineering together, can work together to stay relevant, take advantage of existing capabilities, and discover business opportunities, and how you can do the same!

We want to demonstrate how as a product manager you can create true commitment and positive interaction within the entire company that powers real impact.
We present an e2e process from creating a shared narrative to jointly defining the goals.
The process enables us to have a broad assembly of ideas from different groups and backgrounds.
Although this intense collaboration process requires extra effort from the product teams, the fruits are clarity and simplification of the entire decision-making process which powers smooth execution.
We are extending Marty Cagan's notion of 'product-teams' from Product<>Engineering<>Design to the entire company.
We have led this kind of process successfully in small startups as well as large enterprises.

It’s great when your product team and stakeholders get the big picture. When everyone agrees who the customer is, what their key needs are, and how your product can (or will) address them better than others. Sounds like the PM promised land, right? The good news is there’s a tried-and-proven process, based on 5 simple questions, that will help you get there.

Our digital products are fast becoming a hub of customer experience as sales activities, marketing messages, support, education and training begin to converge inside our applications. While this is arguably a good trend—the ability to self-service help, education and purchasing empowers users—it also presents new challenges for product teams, requiring an entirely new strategy for delivering products. In this session, learn how product teams are evolving from shipping code to driving adoption of products, factoring customer feedback at every stage of product development, and creating “product ops” to organize and rally entire companies around the product.
Join Pendo CEO and co-founder Todd Olson for a presentation and discussion around this key theme from his book, “The Product-Led Organization: Drive Growth by Putting Product at the Center of Your Customer Experience.”
Todd Olson is co-founder and CEO of Pendo, which provides software that makes software better. A three-time entrepreneur, Olson teamed up with fellow product leaders and technologists from Red Hat, Cisco and Google to launch Pendo in October 2013. The Raleigh, N.C.-based company has since raised $356 million in venture capital, landed more than 2000 customers and now employs 800 people across seven offices around the globe. In 2021, Pendo landed on the Forbes Cloud 100 and Inc. Best Workplaces lists for the fourth year in a row.

Now is the time for Product Ops.
First, tech organizations were introduced to the sales operations function. Then, marketing developed their own operations role. Now, as the Israeli tech scene booms, rapid scaling becomes a necessity, and as Product becomes even more strategic - it’s time to also meet Product Ops. How do you create a smarter product org where your your PM.
In this talk, we will explain what Product Ops is, which organizations can benefit from it, and how to start going about building such a function in your company.

Launching a product is a big deal. From marketing to business aspects, a successful launch is what we all aspire to have. But when did a successful launch become the goal when really, it’s merely a means to an end?
This session is all about what the product org needs to do, pre, during and post launch, in order to have a true impact on the product. Spoiler alert: Launch is not the end of the process.

Your product is excellent, customers love it. Now is the right time to scale! But you can’t. Your product is supported by too many employees: from salespersons to customer success managers, customer service, technical support, business analysts, and more. New customers lead to more recruitment, more training, endless meetings, and cross-function collaborations. There is a way to avoid this, and it requires a balance between "high-touch" and "low-touch" approaches to the product.
In this talk, I will describe how I moved the company from a high-involvement product to a range of products that require minimum dependency on human interaction.

In SparkBeyond, we decided to take our legacy product, which demanded significant involvement of professional services, and turn it into a low-touch product. To do it right, we created a Validation Plan that helped us make sure we were BUILDING THE RIGHT THING in every step of the way.
In this session we will sprinkle practical magic to help you do it too.

- Building a great product is not enough. Having Product-Market-Fit does not guarantee your growth and success. Understanding the fine relations between Product, Market, Business model, and Acquisition channel is key to building a lasting and solid product strategy.
- In this session, I will discuss how to create a sustainable product growth strategy and how to expand your product down and upmarket. I will cover some key considerations you need to take to ensure growth in your current market and expand your product to new markets, Enterprise to SMB, SMB to B2C, etc.
TUESDAY - 28.12

When we launched the first version of our product, we discovered that users were not interested, and churned. We had a long list of hypotheses, and a mission to improve fast. We needed a hack to reach our MVP. In this session I will share the methodology we developed, which combined competitive research and user research and led us to drive 3X growth in our key metrics.

We all know we need to pay close attention to our customers pains to build a great product... But today, more than ever, we live in an era of explosive growth and tremendous global competition. A great product is simply not enough to drive significant and sustained business results. We, as product managers, need to pay attention to a wide array of interfaces inside & outside of the company, to deeply understand their pains and their needs, and act to address them. Doing this will unlock new levels of cooperation, creativity & trust and deliver results beyond any expectations. In this session, I will share how, in eBay, a systematic method of practicing empathy, enabled us to take on new markets, grow our business, delight our customers, and experience personal growth. By the end of the session you will glimpse a connection between product management and The Wizard of OZ, and how to leverage our shared insights to start your own path of practicing Empathy.

An explosion of AI-driven Products is already here. The impact on our products is huge, sometimes even disruptive. However, reality has taught us that it is not trivial to create products addressing a variety of “out-of-the-lab” scenarios, on a large scale, that would also pass the test of time.
All the drama that occurs behind the scenes of various learning models and complexities should be transparent to our users. This will be a significant victory for both the products and the product manager.
In this talk, Gadi will share some significant lessons he learned along his rich experience. Five major tips of how to approach designing and developing AI driven products and how to leverage the AI to increase your impact.

Alibaba Israel was founded 4 years ago, today we are working on products that are used by Chinese consumers on a daily basis. Our story tells about the practice and experience we gained on how to deliver products to a different culture, also when language is a barrier. It dives into learning how important it is to get to know your market and customers when you cannot rely on intuition, and how building trust is fundamental before you can start doing business. I will share examples that highlight the learnings and adaptations we had to do when working with the Chinese market, and reflect how any PM can adapt these to his/her day-to-day when working on a product for users in different countries.

Impact is an important aspect of what we do as product managers, we all know that. But knowing is not the same as doing. Noa Ganot hosts our board members for a discussion that will dive right into the challenges in implementing all the great advice that we received throughout the conference, with practical tips that will help you make the most out of it.

This is an exclusive fireside chat hosted by Ariel Kedem, VP Product & co-founder of the Israeli Product Managers community and John Cutler, a product evangelist, Twitter influencer and the Head of Product Research & Education at Amplitude. John loves wrangling complex problems and answering the "why" with qualitative and quantitative data. Prior to his current role, he was a Senior Product Manager at Zendesk and
John & Ariel will discuss the differences between measurements and signals, why numbers are important but not enough and how teams should use data in order to make a real impact.

MVP, we have all used the word. Most of us have participated in one. But what makes an MVP successful? And if product managers know how to MVP, why do 95% of new products fail every year? In my talk I will explore the MVP journey through the lenses of my personal experience failing and succeeding to launch new products to market in different countries. At Payoneer, we believe its key to put experimentation at the core of our product development to maximize impact, and In this talk I will outline how to:
· Detect and avoid death traps (did we change from discovery to delivery too early?)
· Set the right tools and feedback loops that will cement your journey to the top

Collaboration and relationship with the sales team help our product improve. In order to work effectively with Sales, it's important to understand the differences in our incentives and KPIs. Sales teams need ammo to close the sale, and our part in enabling sales is increasing the team's product knowledge and providing them with competitive analysis, preparing them for the hard questions prospects ask.
In this talk, I will present two highly impactful resources we added to the sales enablement toolbox. We will examine the implementation process and effective utilization of competitive & Win-loss analysis for Product managers:
- Learn how better understanding our losses helps us increase revenue (hint: it's not always the product)
- Learn how to collect valuable information on the competition, and make the information more accessible to internal stakeholders

Do fitness apps track muscle mass gained or BMI pre and post subscription? Does Dualingo know if you've really made it a week in Paris without speaking English?
Most companies' mission statement revolves around value to their customers, users, if they're really ambitious - doing good in the world.
But does that mission translate into measuring product teams and product performance?
As the product managers we need goals and metrics to drive decisions on product functionality - what to build, what NOT to build, how to prioritize - and how to evaluate our work and the impact on our company's mission.
It's easy to make the KPI tunnel vision mistake. And you can avoid that trap by measuring the farthest reaching metric associated with value to your consumers and customers.
DayTwo develops a digital healthcare solution based on gut microbiome sequencing and health data to personalize nutrition and care for chronic disease.
As a company committed to helping people on a way to metabolic disease remission, we tie product performance to ultimately making our users healthier.
In this lecture I will outline a way to avoid having KPI tunnel vision and instead distill that one clear measure of value and work your way from there.